Welcome to Aperiodic 2024 !

Aperiodic 2024 is the latest in a series of conferences supported by the Commission on Aperiodic Crystals (CAC) of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). These conferences are held essentially every three years, with the most recent meetings in Sapporo (Japan, 2022), Ames Iowa (the USA, 2018), Prague (Czech Republic, 2015), Cairns (Australia, 2012), Liverpool (UK, 2009), Zao (Japan, 2006), Belo Horizonte (Brazil, 2003),  Nijmegen (The Netherlands, 2000).






Aperiodic 2024 provides an excellent opportunity to learn about new results in the field of aperiodic crystals, including incommensurately modulated phases, composite crystals, and quasicrystals. Aperiodic 2024 also offers an opportunity for researchers working in these fields to exchange ideas and encourage collaborations with other research groups, hence promoting material science and engineering.


Aperiodic 2024 (11th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals) will be held on June 24-28, 2024, in Michel de Boûard Amphitheatre campus 1 at University of Caen Normandy, Caen, France.


Campus 1 of the University of Caen Normandy, founded in 1432, is located a stone's throw from Caen's historic city centre, just behind the Ducal Castle. Caen is the administrative capital of Normandy.

City of William the Conqueror and capital of the Duchy of Normandy, Caen, located 15 km from the English Channel, has a population of 110,000.

We look forward to seeing you in Caen,


The Organizing Committee  


Main sights

Men's Abbey : Town Hall of Caen

Castle of William the Conqueror

Ladies' Abbey

Ladies's Abbey : Headquarters of the Normandy Regional Council

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